New jersey court case search. ), New Jersey Superior Court Reports (N.

New jersey court case search Find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases, as well as attorney and judicial discipline matters. Please select a search option from the "Search By" dropdown list below. This rule establishes that governmental transparency is essential and that the public has a right to access court records to encourage accountability and integrity in the judiciary. 23-14853 (JKS) David's Bridal, Inc. Explore New Jersey State Courts, from the state's Trial Courts to the Supreme Court, understand the structure, functions, and jurisdiction of New Jersey's judicial system. If you already have a user ID and password to access eCourts, Evidence Submission, Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) or Municipal Case Resolution, you must use those credentials. The public can also access the county court records using the Find a Case platform maintained by the New Jersey Courts. Burlington County Surrogate’s Court - Burlington County, NJ - Information regarding probate matters, wills, estates, and other Surrogate’s Court services in Burlington Beginning in November of 2012, the New Jersey Supreme Court authorized the electronic signing of documents, and as of September 1, 2013, New Jersey Court Rule 1:32-2A provides that an electronic signature has the same force and effect as an original handwritten signature. Search court case records Attorneys and self-represented litigants can use eCourts for filing documents, viewing case information, paying fees, and requesting expungements. LOWER COURT CASE NUMBER: Special Master Report To search for criminal court records in Salem County, New Jersey, you can utilize both online tools and courthouse resources. There are the municipal courts, the tax court, the state Superior Court and trial courts, the Appellate Division, and finally the New Jersey Supreme Court. Phone Access to Court Records Superior Court of New Jersey cases. Search Essex County Court case records online in Essex, NJ. Note that certain records of Criminal and Municipal Court proceedings, Family Part proceedings, and Guardianship proceedings are exempt from public access. You can also contact the court office at (609) 909-5999. Mandatory New Jersey Judiciary website: This site is a public access portal that permits users to search for different court records such as criminal, civil, tax, and traffic cases. They include the New Jersey Supreme Court, the Superior Court (which includes the Appellate Division), the Tax Court, and the Municipal Courts. After a case is completed and a judgment of divorce issued, the case is closed. Furthermore, the New Jersey Electronic Access Program (EAP) of the Superior Court Clerk Office provides users remote access to specific Judiciary case management systems. Feb 1, 2009 · Judiciary Civil Search. Municipal Courts Case Search: Some criminal cases might be handled in municipal courts, accessible through the same Process for Filing. From Essex and Union Counties: Take Route 24 West towards Morristown. The dispute between New Jersey and Delaware over the common boundary the States share QPReport extending beyond the low-water mark on the New Jersey side, even to the extent of prohibiting improvements approved by New Jersey. New Jersey's civil court structure consists of three levels: Supreme Court, Appellate Division of Superior Court Explore New Jersey court resources, press releases, job opportunities, Search our public case databases, attorney and judicial misconduct records, or request Resources for the Essex County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Essex County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. The division is composed of 32 judges divided into Select a Case then press the View Summary button to see the Case details. These documents include but are not limited to court transcripts, dockets, recording, films, maps, tapes of disposition, and so on. Resources for the Salem County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Salem County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. The judge of the surrogate court serves as the clerk of the superior Welcome to the LSNJLAW SM website, provided by Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ). ), or New Jersey Tax Reports (N. If you are the person filing the complaint, you are considered the “plaintiff. What are New Jersey Bankruptcy Records? In New Jersey, individual entities, businesses, and corporate agencies file for debt relief with designated courts. Electronic Access to Court Records Foreclosure Municipal Court Case Law , New Jersey 08079 856-878-5050 Phone: (201) 858-6918 Phone: (201) 858-6934 Fax: (201) 858-0517 The user is advised to search on all possible spelling variations of proper names, in order to maximize search results. It hears most cases in the county and also decides cases brought in by the lower courts. Search court case records Court Records in Morris County (New Jersey) Find Morris County, NJ court records and services. LANCE C. Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) can be used to upload documents related to a municipal court case, request court records, and request a new court date. It is worth noting that certain records containing confidential information, such as adoption, child abuse, juvenile delinquency, and domestic violence Resources for the Bergen County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Bergen County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. The links on this site contain[s] information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. You can search for criminal cases using the defendant's name, docket number, or other identifying information. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of New Jersey State Court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. Since debt collection lawsuits are considered civil cases, we will focus on New Jersey civil courts in this section. A court records search will return information that is deemed public information and will be available to you. New Jersey Public Records; Court Records; Court Dockets Search; New Jersey Court Docket Search. (2 blocks from The Green). Court records in Passaic County, New Jersey, are essential documents that provide a detailed account of legal proceedings within the county. 2 days ago · State Tax Cases Docketed Lists State Tax Cases Docketed State Tax Cases Docketed PDF - March 9, 2025; State Tax Cases Docketed XLSX - March 9, 2025 Welcome to Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS) - the fast, secure and convenient way to look up Municipal Traffic or: Complaint information online. Some Rules of Court have been relaxed to allow for electronic filing. " Access court records for Passaic County Superior Court, NJ. The New Jersey Courts Public Access system provides online access to certain court records such as civil, criminal, and family court case information. Note: Search results with multiple matches will display 20 matches per page. These documents may exist in paper or online formats and may contain data on case files, court summons, docket sheets, and judgments. A subscription to PACER is required. Supreme Court decisions and oral arguments help lay the foundation for interpreting and applying state laws. New Jersey. Search court case records In New Jersey, divorce records document the dissolution of a marriage and include divorce certificates, decrees, and court case records. Jan 7, 2022 · Search Civil court records for Camden County Superior Court with Trellis. Discover a variety of judicial programs, informational resources, and volunteer opportunities offered by the New Jersey Courts, including mediation, supervised visitation, and name changes. New Jersey Courts Public Access: The New Jersey Courts Online provides a public access portal for electronic records. Help Click Search to continue and view case information . Municipal Court Case Search allows court users to find a ticket or complaint number. The Rules of Court remain in effect for all case types. S. The website maintains online search portals for criminal court case records. Although traffic offenders are notified when they violate state laws, individuals may still find out if they have traffic tickets in New Jersey through the Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS). gov, where users can view docket information for cases statewide, but not actual court documents, which may be restricted or require a paid service. to the end in New Brunswick (New Brunswick Train Station will be on the left) and turn right onto French Street (RT. Presently, most of the 1970-1995 bankruptcy case files have been destroyed in accordance with their approved records disposition authority (N1-578-11-001, in accordance with 44 USC § 3303). > Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division cases. Most New Jersey court records are public per the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA). It also reviews appeals of decisions by trial courts in limited situations. Please note, it takes 7-10 business days to receive a letter with an authentication token in the mail in order to login to PACER. Access this case on the New Jersey District Court's Electronic Court Filings (ECF) System. File your forms in the county in New Jersey where you lived when you separated. Reset -- CIVCaseMgt 02-01-09 Records of civil cases filed at the Superior Court may be obtained using the general Automated Case Management System (ACMS) adopted by most county clerks in New Jersey. If entered, month and year are required. - 24-12364; Cyxtera Technologies, Inc. – To the New Street Deck: Take Easton Ave. Jul 31, 2000 · Search for a Judgment by selecting one of the following tabs. Resources for the Atlantic County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Atlantic County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. Follow Joyce Kilmer Ave. Note: Must perform new search after cases have been viewed. " The New Jersey Supreme Court is the state’s highest appellate court. STATE OF NEW JERSEY VS. You can always view superior court case records and obtain copies through the case jacket search tool on the New Jersey court website. Certain records may not be available for public inspection in accordance with Federal and State statutes and the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey or court order. A log of the activities involved come together to form a bankruptcy record. Understanding the structure of the New Jersey state court system is crucial for anyone seeking court records or involved in legal matters. Criminal records are part of New Jersey court records and are accessible to anybody that persistent enough. New Jersey Court Docket vs. Search by name, county, case type, and year. Information about court proceedings, courtroom functions, and court judgments is added to this permanent record. Interested Individuals can choose the online public case database that offers access to the type of Superior Court case they wish to search for. Judgment Record Search: Requesters may search New Jersey court records using the party name, judgment, or docket number. Court records that may not be available include Resources for the Union County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Union County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. For online access, the New Jersey Courts offer the Public Access system at njcourts. ” A divorce record in New Jersey has all the above information plus every form, document, and transcript made during a dissolution case. In New Jersey, including Passaic County, court records are generally considered public records and are accessible to the public under the New Jersey Court Rule 1:38. Please note, Date of Birth is optional. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Public family court records can also be viewed on the New Jersey Superior Civil/Family Case Look-up platform. Official Website of the New Jersey Judiciary. 5:7-1 for more information. Contact the Municipal Court for specific questions or ticket information. , Bankruptcy Case No. The link for the video can be accessed through New Jersey Court’s website under The Municipal Courts of New Jersey-Opening Statements section. However, judgments are only retained for 20 years after they are declared. Discover how New Jersey has adapted to remote trials Resources for the Somerset County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Somerset County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. , criminal records are public Please visit www. Fed Blg,50 Walnut Street The New Jersey trial court system consists of Superior Courts, Surrogate's Courts, Municipal Courts, and Tax Court. Trellis helps you find Civil cases in Camden County, New Jersey court records. eCourts Civil Notes. Actual New Jersey Court Records A docket is what shows materials of a lawsuit taking place, essentially the agenda on how a case will commence that is utilized by the court to stay up with functions, proceedings, and filings of the court case. Common examples of confidential records include those: involving victims and witness data of sexual abuse, sealed cases, domestic violence cases and records in Records of civil cases filed at the Superior Court may be obtained using the general Automated Case Management System (ACMS) adopted by most county clerks in New Jersey. Certain records may not be available for public inspection in accordance with Federal and State statutes and the Rules: Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey or court order. Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) - New Jersey Courts: Guide for accessing public electronic court records and information about obtaining PACER credentials. Manage your account and password to stay current. Access court records for Union County Superior Court, NJ. Search court case records New Jersey is known for having a simple and straightforward court system. If you are a self-represented litigant and have not previously registered with the New Jersey Courts, you must complete the registration process before eFiling: Register now. Divorce records can also be obtained through the Clerk. Bergen County Civil Court records can be accessed online via the New Jersey Courts Public Access System. 1 day ago · State of New Jersey's legal opinion regarding Lance C. LSNJ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit offering free civil legal assistance to low-income people in New Jersey. 2012 New Jersey Judiciary New Jersey Family Court Records New Jersey family court records document the case files and decisions of the court related to matters of family law. Tax) citation, enter the citation below, then click "Submit. State of Delaware in Opposition to the State of New Jersey's Motion to Reopen and for a Supplemental Decree QPReport extending beyond the low-water mark on the New Jersey side, even to the extent of prohibiting improvements approved by New Jersey. New Jersey v. Enter the required search information with an * and then press the "Search" button to continue. Case Information and Protocols; BowFlex Inc. Superior Court Civil Case Records Search Superior Court civil case records online. How to Conduct Mercer County Case Records Search Supreme Court Municipal Omnibus Dismissals. They can get court docuemts offline by contacting official record custodians by mail, phone, email, or in person. Superior Courts have general jurisdiction over all civil and criminal cases but generally handle cases beyond the jurisdiction of other courts. Reset -- CIVCaseMgt 02-01-09 Name, Venue, Docket Number, Case Caption and Case Initiation columns will display with the search results. Court's PACER system. Case Info. Appeals come from trial courts, tax court, and administrative agencies. General bankruptcy case files are retained by the court for a 15 year interval. Follow French Street to the 1st traffic light and make a left onto Joyce Kilmer Ave. If you have questions please contact the Search the Law Search Browse cases. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts, track cases, and download documents. ) 13:59-1 et seq. Common examples of criminal confidential records include, but are not limited to those in juvenile cases Nov 15, 2024 · Did plaintiffs establish that the Township Council of Berkeley Township’s denial of their petition to deannex South Seaside Park was arbitrary and unreasonable, that the denial was detrimental to the economic and social well-being of a majority of the residents of South Seaside Park, and that the deannexation would not cause a significant injury to the well-being of Berkeley Township under N In New Jersey, divorce cases (termed "dissolution cases" by the courts) are filed and heard in the Family Division of the Superior Court at the county court level. This can be done online using New Jersey's Electronic Access Program (EAP) or by mail, in-person, or email. Search court case records 4 days ago · Access additional case information on PACER. See Court Rule R. Divorce records are public under the Open Public Records Act but can be sealed to protect sensitive information. Search court case records FindLaw provides resources for New Jersey legal research including searchable database of the NJ Cases : NJ Court Opinions - NJ Court Decisions Jul 26, 2023 · Conclusion. The feature makes judgment liens, civil and foreclosure information, criminal judgments, and municipal court case information available to users. An account must created to read court opinions via this site. New Jersey civil court records can be accessed for free by the parties involved in the court process, including the plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys. If you have a user ID and password to access eCourts, Evidence Submission, Judiciary Electronic Document Submission (JEDS) or Municipal Case Resolution you must use those Criminal records in Sussex County, New Jersey, are typically managed by law enforcement agencies such as the local police departments, Sussex County Sheriff's Office, and the Sussex County Superior Court. A. Per New Jersey Administrative Code (N. Learn how to access certain Judiciary case systems remotely for commercial purposes. C. Super. The sum of $4 is charged for every minute spent on the EAP. Welcome to Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS) - the fast, secure and convenient way to look up Municipal Traffic or: Complaint information online. Clerk of Court Records. Here’s a concise guide: Online Tools: New Jersey Courts Public Access: The New Jersey Judiciary provides an online portal for accessing public court records. " New Jersey Public Records Request System - State of New Jersey - Access various public records including court documents through New Jersey's official records request system. The New Jersey Judiciary website has a "Find a Case" page where the public can get information from New Jersey Court Records online. Even after a good amount of time has gone by. ), New Jersey Superior Court Reports (N. Case Information and Protocols; Rite Aid Feb 27, 2025 · While court opinions can be found for free on PACER, other court records in the docket are not free and cost per page to access. For civil cases, court records include plaintiff and defendant names, case status, next court date, date filed, and timeline of court events. New Jersey court dockets are a compilation of New Jersey court records that provide individuals with intricate details about a case. Confidential records and information will not be returned in your search results. Learn about the Court of Appeals, Municipal Courts, Family Courts, appeals, and how to find your case number. For birth, marriage and death records, you can contact the Office of Vital Sep 12, 2018 · A searchable database of over 50,000 case files from the New Jersey Supreme Court. For Cumberland County, specific court records can be accessed through the New Jersey Judiciary’s eCourts system, which includes document retrieval, but registration or subscription might be The Court House is on the left, at the corner of Washington and Court Street. I. What are New Jersey Criminal Court Records? New Jersey Criminal Court Records refer to documents and files related to criminal court proceedings within the State. (via N. njmcdirect. Some court clerks provide online access to court records in Middlesex County. To initiate a tax lien lookup through this channel, contact the relevant New Jersey Court where judgments are filed. Nix's case, including details from Middlesex County and statewide, with an unpublished status. How to Access New Jersey Civil Court Records For Free. Lawsuits for amounts between $3,000 and $15,000 are filed in the civil division of New Jersey Superior Court special civil part. Whether you’re looking for New Jersey court cases, treatises, regulations, administrative materials, briefs, pleadings, motions, statutes, legislation, state court trial orders or guidance from leading practitioners, prepare to accomplish more with Lexis+. New Jersey has several kinds of courts, not including the District Court. Certain records are not available for public inspection in accordance with statutes and the Rules of Court Governing the State of New Jersey Judiciary. District Court - District of New Jersey, IT Department. However, only active cases are kept in the ACMS archives and older cases may only be obtained using the Archive Management Information System (AMIS). It is also possible to find Middlesex County court records The highest court in New Jersey is the New Jersey Supreme Court, which consists of seven judges. This is an intermediate appellate court. Review the Standards for Appellate Review to learn how the two- or three-judge appellate panels reach a decision in each case. The New Jersey Courts Database or New Jersey Archives provide access to court documents online. The simple answer is it will always be there. New Jersey court records are publicly accessible unless sealed or expunged by law. But commonly, a large number of background checks carried out for professional reasons such as career or real estate will go 7 to 10 years back. info panel icon - Forms Catalog Forms Catalog Find all of our forms, self-help kits, and program brochures. The various search tools allow users to look up public case information, including criminal convictions and criminal judgments, online. Div. Family court records generated in Essex County Superior Courts can be accessed in those courts by authorized persons. You can search using a party name or docket number. The issue is being investigated. 27 South). Interested parties can search court records by using these search databases: Online search for criminal convictions; Criminal judgment search. Search by Specific Court; Search by National Index; Court Opinions; Phone Access to Court Records; Court Name: District of New Jersey [live] Circuit: 03: What is Included in New Jersey Arrest Records? In New Jersey, arrest records typically contain the following information: Names, aliases, and any tattoos of the individual; Scars, as well as other distinguishing physical characteristics; Age, gender, height, weight, and ethnicity; Criminal charge(s) related to the arrest; Arrest and booking The New Jersey Courts website provides electronic access to family court records through the Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS) of the Electronic Access Program (EAP). J. In New Jersey, court records are a collection of data generated during court proceedings. Records are available in paper or electronic forms to be accessed once a request is submitted or a search is initiated at these locations. Unlock New Insights During Your New Jersey Case Search. The chief justice and six associate justices compose the Supreme Court. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). First-time users must register with the New Jersey Courts to access the civil case system. Use online tools to search by date, case number, or party names. CM/ECF; PACER Information; Obtaining Case Information; Transcripts; Cases with Claims Agents; BlockFi Inc. Law. Aug 24, 2023 · Understanding New Jersey’s court structure will help you understand which court has jurisdiction over your case. Search public case databases, written opinions, and court records by name, number, or location. Such records include case files, dockets, decrees, judgments, and pleadings. Search court case records Prior to the court date, court users are directed to watch the New Jersey Municipal Court Opening Statement. The Supreme Court reviews appeals of decisions by the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division. Search court case records. Feb 1, 2009 · Click Search to continue and view case information . Equity cases; Tax cases; Appeals; New Jersey’s Electronic Access Program (EAP) provides different online databases to search for Hudson County Superior Court cases. Report at 85-86, 99-100. As such, they may be accessed by members of the public upon request. There is an online portal that lets you view Superior Court records. Atlantic County court records document all legal proceedings and other judicial affairs in the county court. If you do not live in New Jersey, file your forms in the county in New Jersey where the other party lives. Affidavits and Oaths, 1736-1797 Common Pleas, 1721-1949; County Court: Civil, 1948-1983; Court Case Appeals, 1739-1769 Supreme Court In order to find a document by its New Jersey Reports (N. Access forms, manuals, and reports on domestic violence, child support, and juvenile crisis. Search By: Select One Ticket Number Complaint Number License Number Name (FML) Court Prefix Year Number First Mid. They serve as an official record of legal matters, including civil, criminal, probate, family, and other case types. Take the following steps to access the records online: Open the New Jersey Courts Public Access System; Click the “Find a Case” tab; Search for Civil and Foreclosure Cases; Enter the required details for the search and review the result View New Jersey policies and procedures for obtaining court case records, including a sample records request form. FindLaw's database of Superior Court of New Jersey features decisions since January 1997. Search. To search for criminal court records in Ocean County, New Jersey, you can utilize both online resources and courthouse services. Discover criminal, probate, and child support records, plus jury duty and e-filing info. Access court records for Morris County Superior Court, NJ. Legal Services of New Jersey: A non-profit organization providing free legal services to low-income individuals in New Jersey, including court representation. Please have one of the following available: Ticket Number; Complaint Number; Drivers License Number; Name : Press Search to continue. Municipal Court Case Search (MCCS) Details" to see additional Case Information or press "New Search" to start a new Search. Step 1: Select your search option then enter the options criteria. Note: Search results can be sorted by clicking on any of the column labels in the blue banner Note: Search results will display cases from all Civil Part sections. Resources for the Hudson County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Hudson County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. Delaware I. Access court details, contact, location info, case details, and more 2 days ago · Phone Access to Court Records; Find a Case Overview; File a Case. While the courts have provided guidance to help eCourts users, we cannot provide legal advice. An attorney’s registration can be accessed and updated through the Attorney Online Registration and Payment Center. The Superior Courts handle a wide range of cases, while Surrogate’s Courts manage probate matters. Jugdement Record Searches Through New Jersey Courts: Judgment records within New Jersey Courts may feature information on outstanding tax liens. to the 3rd traffic light and make a left onto New Street, the In addition, court record requesters can search case information and access other court records via the find a case feature of the New Jersey courts website. You can browse decisions by date and search by docket number, case title, and full text. Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. " To locate a case by docket number, enter the number in the box provided, and click "Submit. This site is maintained by the U. How to Look Up New Jersey Divorce Court Records? First, the Superior Court of New Jersey Records Center (SCNJRC) may provide New Jersey Divorce Court Records if the concluded divorce happened long ago. NOTICE 3/06/2025: New Jersey District Court CM/ECF Application is experiencing slowness and intermittent inaccessibility. Search for Party Aliases; Associated Cases; Attorneys; Case File Access court records for Essex County Superior Court, NJ. Warren County criminal cases can be looked up using the Find a Case records search page provided by the New Jersey Courts. Access public records, case info, and management resources. Get the forms and information needed for special civil part cases. Court records are usually a matter of public record and readily available for public inspection. Case Search. The state Supreme Court is the highest appellate court. Find out the cost, enrollment, payment, and technical requirements for the EAP program. In order to find a document by its New Jersey Reports (N. Landlord tenant cases are filed in the special civil part of Superior Court. Contact the court where the case was filed for more information. WelcomeEnter the search criteria required then click the "Search" button. Find legal information by clicking on a legal topic or typing a few words into the search box. Like other states, New Jersey has its peculiarities in searching and accessing its court dockets. New Jersey criminal records contain the full criminal background and conviction history of persons resident within the state's jurisdiction. NIX (22-09-0893, MIDDLESEX COUNTY AND STATEWIDE) - Unpublished | NJ Courts The court records of cases filed with the superior court are maintained by the Clerk of the Superior Court while the Records Department provides the Surrogate's Court records upon request. Look up traffic or complaint information online with ticket, complaint or license number or name. According to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, criminal records are available for public access and perusal. Learn the function and limitations of criminal record repositories and how to access these records according to the provisions of the New Jersey Open Records Act. Upon filing, the court initiates a legal proceeding of activities to resolve the suit. Ensure you have specific details like case numbers or party This is to protect the privacy of record owners according to New Jersey Court Rule 1:38. Jan 22, 2025 · The New Jersey Supreme Court will weigh whether internal affairs records of police misconduct should be public under the common law right of access — as an appellate panel recently decreed — or hidden from public scrutiny if officers successfully get their criminal records expunged. com to perform a Municipal Court Case Search, access the Municipal Court Resolution system, view your case information, or to make a payment on your case. Cumberland County Criminal Records. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Search By: The Family Practice Division develops family law policies and best practices for the Judiciary. NEW Online Municipal Case Resolution- No Court Appearance Required! New Jersey Court Records Search. The Mercer County Superior Court where the case was filed; The New Jersey Courts “Find a Case” webpage. Process for Filing. Supreme Court; Superior Court, Appellate Division; Court of Chancery; Circuit Court; Resources for the Mercer County Superior Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Mercer County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey. New Jersey Traffic Court Records New Jersey traffic court records have details of traffic infractions and offenses committed by individuals in the state. Common examples of confidential records include those involving child victims of sexual abuse, cases involving trade secrets and records in any case ordered Public access to court records in Bergen County Municipal Courts, NJ. Electronic Access to Court Records Foreclosure Municipal Court Case Law , New Jersey 08650-0068 609-571-4200 to regulate riparian improvements extending from New Jersey’s shore. In the state of New Jersey, you may access limited information on most types of court cases by doing an online search using the search tools on the right. New Jersey courts. Any landlord that is a business entity must be represented by a New Jersey attorney in landlord tenant cases. NOTICE 11/6/24: There has been nationwide reporting of fake Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) being sent to attorneys and law firms across the country. Searches can be made using various criteria, including names, counties, and case numbers. A New Jersey court record is a document that contains material relating to a court case. Start by visiting the New Jersey Courts Public Access website, which offers a platform to search for criminal cases by name or docket number. Search online court records from New Jersey Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. Filter by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. , 22-19361 (MBK) Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. They are responsible for reviewing cases from the lower courts. District of New Jersey; Court's Address: Martin Luther King, Jr. of Archives & Records Management) To access court records in Essex County, New Jersey, various online and offline methods are available. Criminal Cases: PROMIS/Gavel Public Access: Search Menu : COMPLETE FIELDS FOR ONE SEARCH TYPE, THEN SELECT SEARCH New Jersey Judiciary: Jan 1, 2004 · Find a Case. FindLaw's database of Superior Court of New Jersey, Appellate Division features decisions since January 1996. Use the links below to access additional information about this case on the U. To use the MCCS, a searcher may enter a name (first, middle, and last), driver’s license number, or ticket number to find out if a traffic ticket exists. NOTE: Attorneys who intend to e-file Tax Court case information on behalf of a New Jersey municipality must be properly registered as representing a public entity through the annual attorney registration process. Archived Case Information. The New Jersey Records Center also accepts online requests for criminal case documents. Who can file? All New Jersey attorneys in good standing can use eCourts for civil matters. vmedp zboc qzwac alsubgx ofve sarai fky sdfn olyasv lezxe rvqgqn haya uaakh vdop uipgdkk