Limonta max s turf. Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass.
Limonta max s turf. Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass.
Limonta max s turf The turf’s durability and potential uses are around three times greater than natural turf and, despite what athletes may think, it is almost identical to fully natural turf. Dec 10, 2018 · Once again Limonta Sport was chosen for an 11-field training field at Ciudad Real Madrid (City of Real Madrid), the prestigious sports center of Real Madrid, in the Valdebebas Park. Provider. The system thus composed generates conditions of perfect oxygenation and permeability of the surface layer and the ideal air-water-soil balance, while also preventing the formation of muddy areas or waterlogging. A. Monofilo a due sezioni half-moon shape, 300 micron; thick diamond, 455 micron; Dtex: 13. Quality Level. Inaugurated on 4 May 2024, it is taking more and more shape. Approfondisci. P A fundamental component of third generation artificial turf systems designed by Limonta Sport, is their infill performance. ITALY. Doy mi consentimiento para el procesamiento de mis datos personales para actividades de marketing perfiladas según el propósito D) de la política de privacidad . – Società a socio unico The quality of Limonta Sport products is the result of a complete journey which begins with the careful selection of raw materials and strict controls over input, and develops throughout the entire production process, right up to packaging, transport, delivery of the product to the construction site, site management and post-sale assistance. 2016/769, declaro que he leído el información sobre el tratamiento de datos personales de Limonta Sport Spa. – Società a socio unico Se han realizado pruebas especiales sobre la forma en que HeroShape refleja y refracta la luz, impulsando a Limonta Sport R&D a seleccionar y combinar tres tonalidades de verde para reproducir mejor el efecto cromático de las superficies de césped natural tanto durante el día como durante la noche bajo luz artificial. For this second field has been used a MAX S 50 mm turf. The range of artificial products has been enhanced with safe and environmentally friendly innovations, such as natural organic infills for artificial surfaces and GEO is a 100% natural certified BIO degradable and BIO based, which guarantees maximum performance and unprecedented safety for athletes. – Società a socio PadeLiAmo is the complete Made in Italy synthetic turf range offered by Limonta Sport for professionals as well as for private clubs. With its unique double-S shape filament, Oct 19, 2010 · Place and Date of test: Limonta SpA factory, Cologno al Serio (Bg) Italy, sports fields; Brusaporto (BG) Italy. artificial turf with GEO Xtre infill since September 2021, for which it has obtained FIFA QUALITY PRO certification. Max S: Monofilo a 380 micron con esclusiva forma a doppia S rinforzato nella parte centrale Limonta Sport S. > Max S > Leader in the synthetic turf industry for high-end landscaping. 6 e 13 Reg. – Società a socio unico Thanks to the experience gained from almost 40 years in the business, Limonta Sport it is at the forefront of design and installation of the best Baseball systems. Iva/C. – Società a socio unico > Max S > limonta-sport Leader in the synthetic turf industry for high-end landscaping. Scoring 3,25 on 5 at this link you can read the general rank where Bravida Arena is preceded by natural pitches only. > limonta-sport-logo-max-s. The artificial turf surface, manufactured through an exclusive and patented method, is 100% recyclable and compliant with regulation UNI10667-16. 4G è la rivoluzione dei manti in erba artificiale: non necessita di alcun intaso prestazionale. La calidad tejida en cada campo Max S. 6 et 13 Règlement UE 2016/769, je déclare avoir lu le d informations sur le traitement des données personnelles de Limonta Sport Spa. IT00354970139. Guarantee: The SoccerPro Max S product comes with a clear guarantee. Diamond2 is the perfect artificial grass for schools, academies, and both professional and amateur at an exceedingly high intensity of usage is required from the turf. MAX S es el césped artificial de altas prestaciones fabricado por Limonta Sport, fruto de la actividad de investigación y desarrollo llevada a cabo en base a la innovación en la tecnología y el diseño. > limonta-sport-max-s-gallery-1. MIXTO è un manto a tecnologia ibrida, che garantisce la miglior simbiosi tra erba naturale e sintetica. – Società a > limonta-max-s. In its inception, Limonta Max S artificial turf was installed to deliver the best football games, while having minimal maintenance and upkeep. Type. – Società a socio unico . Desarrollado especialmente para mejorar para mejorar la durabilidad y las prestaciones de juego, Duo Shape tiene una forma especial con dos secciones combinadas, pero no retorcidas, diferentes entre sí también por su color. The stitching of synthetic fiber into natural turf surfaces provides much longer playing hours than traditional natural grass pitches while increasing the safety and the stability of the playing surface – an ideal solution for both stadiums/arena and training facilities of clubs all Ai sensi e per gli effetti degli artt. com In October 2009, FIFA included Limonta Sport in the shortlist of FIFA PREFERRED PRODUCER for Football Turf, highlighting the company’s leadership in the international market. Nov 20, 2024 · Limonta Sport for Torino FC – Robaldo Sports Centre. The Green Room is a bio-mechanic laboratory equipped with advanced technological tools including a movement lighting system and a custom software which is able Definitely another success for the Max S and the Geo. More and more clubs and sports centres are choosing artificial turf for their courts. 2016/769, I declare that I have read the information on the processing of personal data of Limonta Sport Spa. The center has been recognized as a FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence . F The original exclusive know-how of our technical and commercial staff, together with the consolidated experience evidenced by over 5000 installations worldwide allows Limonta Sport to provide customers with a comprehensive consultation service, that ranges from feasibility studies for each project, to identification of the most suitable system base on the technical and performance Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. HEADQUARTERS AND FACTORY: Via Crema, 60 24055 Cologno al Serio – Bergamo. Je consens au traitement de mes données personnelles pour des activités de marketing profilées conformément à l'objectif D) du politique de confidentialité . limonta sport社の製品: 合成素材芝 max sに関するすべての情報をご覧ください。価格、見積もり、お近くの販売店を知るにはメーカーまたは本社に直接お問い合わせください。 Ecotherm is a performance infill for artificial turf systems – its granules composed of non-vulcanized thermo-plastic polymers and fillers of vegetable origin (cellulose based). – Società a socio unico > limonta-sport-tecnologia-max-s. In October 2009, FIFA included Limonta Sport in the shortlist of FIFA PREFERRED PROVIDERS for Football Turf, emphasising the company’s leadership in the world market. Two colours: lime for the thicker and more resilient shape which simulates the natural newly-born turf + dark for the thinner one which simulates the natural aged turf; Corrugated surface to decrease light’s reflection (matt effect) Central diamond thickness support; Excellent ball roll and rebound De conformidad con y para los efectos de los artículos. Specially designed for their composition, granule size and shape, the range of innovative and sustainable infills aims to maximise game performance whilst respecting the environment and the players’ health and well-being, keeping a close eye on long-term management Attentive to ecology, Limonta Landscape has tested all its products, guaranteeing a range of hypoallergenic and non-toxic production, therefore suitable for both children and pets. The secret is a grid of artificial grass perfectly designed to favour the birth, growth and development of the natural grass. La hierba innovadora que se inspira en la naturaleza. MAX S P+ 45 TP EL20. The aim was to create a surface with the same characteristics as a natural playing surface. DUO SHAPE es el innovador césped artificial de hierba sintética que crea el binomio perfecto de resistencia y elasticidad. – Società a socio unico > limonta-sport-logo-max-s. SPORT TURF. – Società a socio unico Ai sensi e per gli effetti degli artt. – Società a socio unico > limonta-sport-max-s-gallery-3. Textured and fibrillated yarns to best meet the customers’ needs, all certified by the Federación Española de Pádel, a certification reserved only for those those products that meet performance, playability and athlete protection parameters according to the Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. A garantire queste caratteristiche è la sua speciale fibra dalla particolare forma a due sezioni combinate e legate, non ritorte, con ispessimento centrale di rinforzo a diamante. TEMPERATURE OF THE PITCH ALWAYS UNDER CONTROL De conformidad con y para los efectos de los artículos. – Società a socio unico > Max S > logo-mixto-3. +39 035 4812111 Fax. – Società a socio unico. E-mail: info@limontasport. The Limonta Sport systems for artificial turf soccer pitches guarantees game characteristics that are comparable with the best natural pitches and meet the highest standards set by FIFA. Jul 13, 2021 · Paolo Limonta, heir to the historic textile brand Limonta S. UE 2016/769, dichiaro di aver preso visione dell’ informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali di Limonta Sport Spa. Limonta Sport clearly indicates usage of the product and providing the guidelines are being observed a full size field will have a guarantee for 8 years. Con MIXTO, infatti, la matrice sintetica appositamente sviluppata ed installata su uno speciale primario specificamente brevettato, svolge una funzione protettiva delle radici d’erba naturale, promuovendone lo sviluppo radicale profondo. The production sites in Italy, China and Paraguay are organised according to maximum production efficiency criteria, with the aim of ensuring the widest range of Mar 10, 2020 · Both pitches have been installed in the last months of 2019 and have been completed last month, making it a great effort by both Limonta and our Indonesian distributor, Delta Prima. Dec 10, 2018 · I consent to the processing of my personal data for profiled marketing activities as per purpose D) of the privacy policy. 2016/769, declaro que li a informação sobre o tratamento de dados pessoais do Limonta Sport Spa. Revolutionary and cutting edge, it consists exclusively of a mixture of or-ganic plant material, derived from defibration of woody plants, that have been carefully chosen and processed with an innovative process. FIFA Quality/Quality PRO. Paolo Bellino of Torino FC tells us about the new Robaldo sports centre. The numerous installations and FIFA Recommended pitches installed by Limonta Sport all over the world are our best business card and a sure indicator of the reputation MAX S P+ 45 TP EL20. Are you interested in finding out more about Limonta’s product range dedicated to Baseball? Limonta Sport is committed to follow our customers in all of their needs. Its unmatched resilience provides constant playing performance at the highest level, together with an extremely natural look and appearance. L’obiettivo era quello di creare una superficie con le stesse caratteristiche di un perfetto terreno da gioco naturale. Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. The perfect combination of straight monofilament and textured yarn creates a very dense blanket, ensuring excellent visual coverage of the court and outstanding playability. P. The range of artificial products has been enhanced with safe and environmentally friendly innovations, such as natural organic infills for artificial De conformidad con y para los efectos de los artículos. 6 y 13 EU Reg. MAX S is the high-performance turf product from Limonta Sport, the result of research and development conducted in the name of innovation in technology and design. – Società a socio unico > limonta-max-s. The 4 synthetic turf pitches by Limonta Sport are ready. Max S: monofilamento de 380 micras con exclusiva forma doble S reforzada en la parte central Limonta Sport S. The concept of FIFA Preferred Producer was created within the FIFA Quality Concept programme, aimed at improving the quality of installations and safeguarding the end-user. Ai sensi e per gli effetti degli artt. L'erba innovativa che si ispira alla natura. Autorizo o processamento dos meus dados pessoais para atividades de marketing perfiladas de acordo com a finalidade D) da politica de privacidade . Conformément à et aux fins des articles. NO EMISSIONS INTO THE ENVIRONMENT PineFill has reached the maximum classification foreseen by the European standards UNI EN ISO 16000-9:2006; UNI EN ISO 16000-6:2011; UNI EN ISO 16000-3:2011 in relation to emissions of volatile Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles. Dec 11, 2024 · Cagliari, 11 December 2024 | Cagliari Calcio announces the agreement with Limonta Sport, which has taken care of the renovation of one of the artificial turf fields of the Crai Sport Centre, home of the training sessions of the red and blue youth teams. El objetivo era crear una superficie con las mismas características que un perfecto terreno de juego natural. Product name. It meets the new EU regulations on the elimination of microplastics in performance infill for artificial turf fields. – Società a socio unico Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. have to be finished. The strength, performance and ability to support heavy usage under any conditions are the characteristics that define Limonta Sport’s artificial surfaces as the best alternative to natural grass. Furthermore, it is classified as a “plastic recycling material”. A natural cork infill that guarantees a natural aesthetic to the field and, thanks to its ability to retain water, significantly reduces the heat on the surface. > limonta-max-s. – Società a socio unico > limonta-sport-max-s-gallery2-1. Contacte diretamente o fabricante ou um revendedor para saber o preço de um produto, pedir um orçamento ou para conhecer os pontos de venda mais próximos de si. – Società a socio unico Two colours: lime for the thicker and more resilient shape which simulates the natural newly-born turf + dark for the thinner one which simulates the natural aged turf; Corrugated surface to decrease light’s reflection (matt effect) Central diamond thickness support; Excellent ball roll and rebound Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. The technology translated into polymers, filaments and special shapes makes Limonta an essential partner in the field. Acconsento al trattamento dei miei dati personali per attività di marketing diretto tramite iscrizione alla newsletter come da finalità C) della privacy policy . From preliminary feasibility analysis, to advice and assistance before, during and afte r construction, Limonta is always ready to consider any relationship with the Consulte todas as informações sobre o produto grama sintética MAX S da empresa LIMONTA SPORT. Monofilament, thick diamond, 370 micron; Fibrillated (tape slide) 110 micron; Dtex: 18. The shift from the traditional artificial grass system used until last season to the new football turf has been greatly appreciated by the players and the staff of the club who high-lightened the advantages of the new surface compared to the old one with traditional SBR granule : > limonta-max-s. Via Crema 60, Cologno al Serio (Bg) Italy Materials tested: Natural Grass; Synthetic Turf and Infill’s: SOCCER PRO MAX-S 45mm w/InfillPro P SBR (ground car tires) Specialised maintenance equipment is available through Limonta Sport as well as advise on available machinery on the market. A grain that comes from nature, collected directly from the cork oak, without damaging the plant. . L’objectif était celui de créer une surface présentant les mêmes caractéristiques qu’un terrain de jeu parfaitement naturel. View website. > Sport Turf > TriShape. The company always focuses on the partnership and mutual growth with its stakeholders around the world. Leader in the synthetic turf industry for high-end landscaping. Together with your supplier Limonta Sport can address all aspects concerning the guarantee. Sport turf. O sistema oferece uma rugosidade superficial ideal, que por um lado garante um ritmo de jogo adequado e evita o desgaste prematuro do sapato e da bola e, por outro lado, garante Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. The company’s commitment to this discipline is confirmed by its recognition as an FIH Certified Turf Manufacturer, which certifies its specialisation in creating products for field hockey and proves its ability to manufacture products according to the game’s required standards, checking the quality of the process and providing comprehensive customer support on warranties and maintenance Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. MAX S est le gazon performant fabriqué par Limonta Sport, le fruit de l’activité de recherche et de développement réalisée sous le signe de l’innovation dans la technologie et le design. It is the right solution for a lot of sports, from five-a-side football to rugby and hockey. – Società a socio unico In October 2009, FIFA included Limonta Sport in the shortlist of FIFA PREFERRED PRODUCER for Football Turf, highlighting the company’s leadership in the international market. > limonta-sport-logo-max-s-2. > limonta-sport-max-s-gallery-2. Since 1972 Limonta Sport has been developing and producing the best artificial and hybrid turf pitch systems on the market for football, rugby, tennis, hockey, Padel and golf and PVC surfaces for basketball, volleyball, handball and badminton. 6 and 13 EU Reg. NO EMISSIONS INTO THE ENVIRONMENT PineFill has reached the maximum classification foreseen by the European standards UNI EN ISO 16000-9:2006; UNI EN ISO 16000-6:2011; UNI EN ISO 16000-3:2011 in relation to emissions of volatile > limonta-max-s. La perfetta combinazione di monofilo dritto con filato testurizzato crea un manto molto denso, garantendo così un’ottima copertura visiva del campo e una straordinaria giocabilità. 600; Reduced splash-effect; Easier maintenance operations thanks to capability to retain the infill Limonta’s experience in the field of decorative turf through its dedicated Limonta Landscape brand has also enabled us to devise solutions that seamlessly integrate the landscape and natural environment, building custom-made projects to fulfil any requirement. – Società a socio unico Sixways Stadium is a stadium in Worcester, England. Limonta Sport S. The pitch in Jakarta presents a system composed by Max S yarn plus rubber and sand. – Società a socio unico Apr 19, 2016 · Last Saturday Limonta Sport took part to the ‘Green Room’ opening ceremony at the Isokinetic Lab in Bologna. Since its foundation it has undertaken an evolving path of growth, which, on one hand, aimed to differentiate and expand its services and expertise in an ever increasing range of sports and, on the other hand, to develop the best solutions, according to the needs and together > Sport Turf > TriShape. – Società a socio unico Em colaboração com atletas profissionais, a Limonta Sport desenhou a solução ideal para campos de padel, todos certificados pela Federación Española de Pádel. F Max S; 4G NO INFILL; Hybrid grass. I consent to the processing of my personal data for profiled marketing activities as per purpose D) of the privacy policy . Limonta Max S has a unique MAX S is the high-performance turf product from Limonta Sport, the result of research and development conducted in the name of innovation in technology and design. 000/6; Innovativo polimero XQ; 100% dall’aspetto naturale: Un manto morbido e molto simile all’erba naturale che abbina un filamento lime con forma spessa che simula l’erba giovane, spessa e molto resiliente, abbinato ad un filamento dark più fine che simula l’erba matura. The rigorous laboratory and field tests follow major international sporting federation guidelines to ensure that all performance, safety, durability MAX S is the high-performance turf product from Limonta Sport, the result of research and development conducted in the name of innovation in technology and design. +39 035 4812247. Since 1972 Limonta Sport has been developing and producing the best artificial turf pitch systems on the market for football, rugby, tennis, hockey, padel and golf and PVC surfaces for basketball, volleyball, handball and badminton. P. , in 1972 did not miss the opportunity to purchase an old bankrupt building and convert it into the production of what would later become the best artificial turf and hybrid turf available on the market today. Now the facilities such as changing rooms, reception space, etc. Dec 15, 2016 · Max S turf remains an established standard in terms of performances and resistance. Attentive to ecology, Limonta Landscape has tested all its products, guaranteeing a range of hypoallergenic and non-toxic production, therefore suitable for both children and pets. It is currently used for rugby union and association football matches and is the home stadium of Premier 15s side Worcester Warriors Women, Hellenic League Premier Division football side Worcester Raiders [2] and West Midlands Regional Women’s Football League side Worcester City Women F. C. MAX S è il performante manto prodotto da Limonta Sport, frutto dell’attività di ricerca e sviluppo condotta all’insegna della innovazione nella tecnologia e nel design. 4G is the revolution in artificial turf: no performance infill required. – Società a socio unico MIXTO: The secret is a grid of artificial grass perfectly designed to favour the birth, growth and development of the natural grass. Turf Product. p. Limonta Sport inherited the values of reliability, quality and attention to customer needs from the Limonta Group. Measuring 305ft x 164ft, Turf BGC’s standard community football field is equipped with a 3-meter high permanent fence, 10-meter high net, and a powerful lighting system. Nos termos e para os efeitos dos artigos. The turf surfaces are all perfectly draining and maintain their qualities unchanged over time, even if subject to atmospheric agents and to the sun’s rays. The rigorous laboratory and field tests follow major international sporting federation guidelines to ensure that all performance, safety, durability Dec 10, 2018 · Once again Limonta Sport was chosen for an 11-field training field at Ciudad Real Madrid (City of Real Madrid), the prestigious sports center of Real Madrid, in the Valdebebas Park. HeroShape is a unique product, an artificial turf system with an exclusive section studied for top professional users. The high performance levels that these surfaces can offer, even at the height of big international tournaments, combine superior aesthetics with the opportunity to play all year round, thanks to the special drainage system that allows play even in poor weather conditions. – Società a socio unico BatForShape è la giusta risposta all’esigenza di giocatori professionistici che richiedono prestazioni sempre al top e soprattutto costanti nel tempo. September 10, 2010 Applicant: Limonta Sport S. Sep 13, 2021 · And yes, because the quality of Mixto®, made by Limonta Sport and Rappo srl, chosen for 5 consecutive years, had been replaced by a similar technology in the 2020-2021 season. The numerous installations and FIFA Recommended pitches installed by Limonta Sport all over the world are our best business card and a sure indicator of the reputation The secret of ‘Made in Limonta Sport’ The Limonta Sport product range dedicated to rugby has been developed to meet the highest standards set by the International Rugby Federations, ensuring maximum performance, surfaces that are always perfect and complete safety for the athletes, pushing levels of durability and toughness of installations to the limit. Tel. Flatness and high technical performance: use never compromises the perfect quality of the playing field and the ball-surface interaction. The SoccerPro Max S product comes with a clear guarantee. – Società a socio unico 🇨🇩 🏟️⚽ Democratic Republic of Congo: the Stade des Martyrs de la Pentecôte has boasted a Limonta Sport S. F. – Società a socio unico VERDEMIX hybrid system is the latest addition to the range of professional services offered by Limonta Sport. – Società a socio The strength, performance and ability to support heavy usage under any conditions are the characteristics that define Limonta Sport’s artificial surfaces as the best alternative to natural grass. Jun 9, 2021 · We are proud to announce that FIFA has recognized again, till 01/02/2023, Limonta Sport as one of the 8 FIFA PREFERRED PROVIDERS for artificial turf in the World, for other two years! FIFA FPP program started in 2009 to certify: Production process; Quality controll system; High product quality; Installation and maintenance knowledge and expertise Limonta Sport’s unceasing investment in the most advanced production technologies is one of the main competitive factors on which the company has built its worldwide leadership. La qualità tessuta in ogni campo Max S. pummvgl ifgtm khwb rpddx aehufnj nglxym hiybs mcptlx uiag njfn cseocb wytqvx cmbip hwwurv ztdryx